
Annual Events

Christmas on the Farm –

December 8, 2024

11:00 am – dusk

Enjoy a day of old-fashioned family fun!
Games, Kids & Adult Christmas Crafts
Music, Food, Craft Vendors

Watch the Lighting of the Windmill at dusk!

Free Admission
Activity tickets available for purchase

Opening Day—First Saturday of April 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Enjoy a fun-filled, family-oriented day of old-fashioned fun!

Play old-fashioned games on the front lawn, crank homemade ice cream, and then enjoy a cup!

Docents will lead tours of the Byer/Nail House, Homer’s Shed, and the Grounds, and you can even take your seat (on time!) for a lesson by our local School Marm in the Eden Plain one-room schoolhouse.

Games and activities for kids and families, including milking ‘Bessie,’, a petting Zoo, or playing games from the 1800s

Community Bar-B-Que –

Second Sunday in September

Tri-tip dinner with local produce

Toe-tapping music, demonstrations, tours and raffle baskets

Starts at 1:00 pm with dinner served at 3:00 pm

Adults $35.00 – Children (6-12) $15.00 – under 6 free

Take away dinners may be preordered.

Pump Demonstration

Member Dinner Meetings

Three membership dinners are held each year to provide opportunity for members to enjoy a social evening with a good meal and a speaker or presentation on a topic related to local history or ongoing programs of the East Contra Costa Historical Society.

March – St. Patrick’s Day

May – Picnic on the Lawn

November – Thanksgiving Dinner